General Financial Situation
Fondation Hirondelle saw its volume decrease by 14.5 % compared with 2021, with an overall realized volume of CHF12.4 million. This decline is explained both by external factors that complicated the planned deployment of activities in the field (growing insecurity in the Sahel, particularly in Burkina Faso) and by several staff departures at headquarters, resulting in delays and insufficient monitoring during the second half of the year. Corrective measures are being implemented in 2023.
Despite this setback, Fondation Hirondelle achieved a positive result of around CHF 484,000, which is comparable to that of 2021. This result allows the organization to strengthen its equity base.
Almost 90% of the Fondation’s expenses are allocated to our projects in the field (87.45%). Management and administration expenses (Finance, HR, IT) represent 9.89% of expenses, while communication and fundraising represent 2.66%. All 2022 accounts and expenditure indicators are presented in accordance with Zewo standards, for which Fondation Hirondelle has been certified since 2019.
An independent auditor has certified that the financial statements summarized below give a true and fair view of Fondation Hirondelle’s financial position. The complete report on the 2022 annual accounts is available on our website
Human Resources
At the end of 2022, Fondation Hirondelle employed 245 professionals worldwide (2021: 246). The number of national staff working for the Fondation increased to 214 (2021: 208). There were 10 expatriates on long-term contracts at the end of 2022 (2021: 10). In addition to these employees, there were 100 interns and correspondents (2021: 199), supported by 20 expert missions in the field (2021: 23). The size of headquarters has remained relatively stable. As of December 31, 2022, the head office had 9 employees (FTE 7.8) working directly on projects and 13 employees (FTE 10.8) working in management, cross-functional and support posts. Fondation Hirondelle is also training an apprentice, and in 2022 benefited from the help of two interns (FTE 1.6)
Project Expenditure
2022 projects | in CHF |
CAR | 2 526 053 |
Mali | 1 936 064 |
Niger | 1 622 367 |
Headquarters | 1 556 068 |
Burkina Faso | 1 360 285 |
DRC | 501 935 |
Ukraine | 488 423 |
Transitional Justice | 420 161 |
Madagascar | 405 776 |
Burundi | 353 764 |
COVID- 19 | 268 890 |
Myanmar | 262 370 |
New projects | 193 118 |
Tunisia | 181 188 |
Research | 96 980 |
MEALS | 78 982 |
Journalism Trust Initiative | 51 886 |
Formations Violence et extremisme Afrique de l’Ouest | 51 839 |
Pakistan | 36 965 |
Media education | 6 377 |
TOTAL | 12 399 495 |

Financial Resources
Sources of revenue | in CHF | in % |
Public funding | ||
Switzerland | ||
Mandats DDC/Contribution de projet BUCCO | 1 695 823 | 13,2% |
Fonds Suisse Contribution de programme DDC (IP) | 3 175 300 | 24,7% |
Fonds DFAE Suisse | 57 023 | 0,4% |
Other | ||
United Nations agencies (UNICEF, UNPD, ...) | 421 802 | 3,3% |
Denmark (FAMOC) | 267 146 | 2,1% |
United Kingdom (FCDO, UKCSS) | 55 445 | 0,4% |
H2H | 35 897 | 0,3% |
Sweden | 1 976 000 | 15,4% |
Czech republic | 81 870 | 0,6% |
European Union | 2 634 078 | 20,5% |
Centre de Crise et de Soutien | 257 993 | 2,0% |
Germany (GIZ) | 179 340 | 1,4% |
United States | 13 766 | 0,1% |
10 851 483 | 84,37% | |
Private funding | ||
Switzerland | ||
Chaîne du Bonheur | 392 046 | 3,0% |
Loterie Romande | 30 000 | 0,2% |
FEDEVACO | 68 100 | 0,5% |
RTS Partnership | 75 000 | 0,6% |
Private Foundations | 312 382 | 2,4% |
Private Donors | 109 128 | 0,8% |
Other | ||
Other donors | 449 983 | 3,5% |
1 436 640 | 11,2% | |
Other products | ||
Products from services provided | 573 136 | 4,5% |
573 136 | 4,5% | |
TOTAL INCOME | 12 861 258 |
Foundations & Corporate donors
We wish to thank the following for their support in 2022 : Büchi Foundation, Fondation d’Aide à l’Enfance et au Tiers-Monde, Fondazione aiuto alla cooperazione e allo sviluppo, Fondation E. Balzan, Fondation Alfred & Eugénie Baur, Loterie Romande, Fondation Madeleine, Fondation Jan Michalski pour l’écriture et la littérature, Fondation Karl Popper, Fondation Nicolas Puech, Fondation Philanthropique Famille Sandoz, Fondation genevoise de bienfaisance «Valeria Rossi di Montelera», fondation et donateur anonymes.
Summary of Fondation Hirondelle accounts
The overall presentation of Fondation Hirondelle accounts meets the requirements of the Swiss norms GAAP RPC and GAAP RPC 21. This presentation gives a true and fair view of the financial situation and in-come of the organization. The accounts comply with Swiss law and the Fondation’s statutes.
The summary of accounts is based on the annual accounts as of December 31, 2022, which have been prepared in accordance with the above-mentioned principles.
Balance sheet as of december 31
ASSETS | 2022 | 2021 |
Current assets | ||
Liquid assets | 7 842 192 | 3 884 079 |
Credits | 184 899 | 169 417 |
Funding to be received | 1 031 581 | 1 245 358 |
Other receivables | 299 642 | 217 672 |
Accruals and deferred income | 185 917 | 226 265 |
9 544 232 | 5 742 791 | |
Intangible assets | ||
Financial assets | ||
Fixed assets | ||
374 668 | 379 784 | |
TOTAL ASSETS | 9 918 900 | 6 122 575 |
LIABILITIES Short-term liabilities | ||
Short-term debts | 483 946 | 631 163 |
Funding received in advance | 5 848 659 | 2 377 137 |
Accrual and deferred income | 198 273 | 207 043 |
Various loans | 392 | 387 |
6 531 270 | 3 215 730 | |
Long-term liabilities | ||
Provision for legal contingencies | 128 164 | 132 308 |
Provision for termination of staff contracts | 73 310 | 56 589 |
201 474 | 188 897 | |
Allocated funds | ||
Initiative Fund | 216 468 | 216 468 |
Solidarity Fund | 46 014 | 39 218 |
Support Fund | 569 307 | 568 957 |
831 789 | 824 643 | |
Equity capital | ||
Foundation capital | 50 000 | 50 000 |
Capital FNL | 12 315 | 12 315 |
Operating capital | 1 830 990 | 1 340 420 |
Final result | 461 063 | 490 570 |
2 377 316 | 1 893 305 | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | 9 918 900 | 6 122 575 |
Operating account of Fondation Hirondelle

INCOMES | 2022 | 2021 |
Public funding | ||
Switzerland | ||
Mandats DDC/Contribution de projet BUCCO | 1 695 823 | 1 832 038 |
Fonds Suisse Contribution de programme DDC (IP) | 3 175 300 | 2 996 896 |
Fonds DFAE Suisse | 57 023 | - |
FEDEVACO | 68 100 | 68 709 |
Other | ||
United Nations agencies (UNICEF, UNPD, ...) | 421 802 | 688 752 |
Denmark (FAMOC) | 267 146 | 139 621 |
Netherlands | - | 47 250 |
United Kingdom (DFID, UKCSS) | 55 445 | 243 364 |
H2H | 35 897 | - |
Sweden | 1 976 000 | 1 581 830 |
Czech republic | 81 870 | 168 587 |
Germany (GIZ) | 179 340 | 6 572 |
European Union | 2 634 078 | 4 549 345 |
Centre de crise et de soutien | 257 993 | - |
United States | 13 766 | - |
10 919 583 | 12 322 964 | |
Private funding | ||
Switzerland | ||
Chaîne du Bonheur | 392 046 | 408 351 |
Loterie Romande | 30 000 | 51 100 |
RTS Partnership | 75 000 | 75 000 |
Private Foundations | 312 382 | 253 882 |
Private Donors | 109 128 | 168 460 |
Other | ||
DCAF | - | - |
Other donors | 449 983 | 1 086 445 |
1 368 540 | 2 043 238 | |
Other products | ||
Products from services provided | 573 136 | 828 310 |
573 136 | 828 310 | |
TOTAL INCOME | 12 861 258 | 15 194 512 |
Dont produits libres | 757 264 | 1 071 770 |
Dont produits affectés | 12 103 994 | 14 122 742 |

EXPENDITURES | 2022 | 2021 |
Direct project expenditure | ||
Staff | 6 160 938 | 6 905 149 |
Operations | 4 193 754 | 5 672 498 |
Equipment | 488 736 | 464 752 |
10 843 427 | 13 042 399 | |
Administrative expenditure | ||
Staff | 758 083 | 638 466 |
Operations | 450 283 | 478 480 |
Equipment | 18 303 | 31 472 |
1 226 669 | 1 148 418 | |
Fundraising and communication expenditure | ||
Staff | 251 928 | 246 538 |
Operations | 75 805 | 68 989 |
Equipment | 1 666 | 139 |
329 399 | 315 666 | |
TOTAL EXPENDITURE | 12 399 494 | 14 506 483 |
Operating result | 461 763 | 688 029 |
Financial results | ||
Financial income | 440 | 121 |
Loss on foreign exchange | 9 429 | -184 212 |
9 869 | -184 091 | |
Exceptionnal result | ||
Exceptionnal Expenditures and Incomes | -10 569 | -13 368 |
-10 569 | -13 368 | |
Annual result before allocations | 461 063 | 490 570 |
Allocations / deductions | ||
Allocations to equity capital | -461 063 | -490 570 |
Surplus/(deficit) for the year | - | - |
Table of capital variation
Description of funding | Position of funds 01.01.2022 | Internally generated income | Attributions to funds | Internal transfers | Use for projects | Position of funds 31.12.22 | Funding received in advance | Funding to be received |
Allocated funds (Funding to be received /received in advance) | ||||||||
Funds Burkina Faso | 634 | 2 328 229 | -1 459 867 | 868 996 | 1 003 153 | -134 157 | ||
Funds Burundi | 159 182 | 46 777 | -375 226 | -169 267 | - | -169 267 | ||
Funds Covid | -756 732 | 1 013 856 | -279 874 | -22 750 | 6 096 | -28 846 | ||
Fonds Media Education | 5 290 | 1 086 | -6 376 | -1 | - | - | ||
Funds Environment & Research | - | 96 778 | -96 778 | - | - | -0 | ||
Funds Formations Violences et Extrémisme Afrique de l'Ouest | 110 000 | 139 000 | -57 023 | 191 977 | 191 977 | - | ||
Funds Transitional JustIce | - | 543 866 | -437 866 | 106 000 | 106 000 | - | ||
Funds JTI | - | 49 979 | -54 398 | -4 419 | - | -4 420 | ||
Funds Madagascar | 190 523 | 161 813 | -399 220 | -46 885 | 1 015 | -47 897 | ||
Funds Mali | 626 882 | 1 814 071 | -2 161 317 | 279 636 | 427 307 | -147 671 | ||
Fonds MEAL | - | 93 382 | -78 982 | 14 400 | 14 400 | - | ||
Funds Myanmar | 83 040 | 222 940 | -317 510 | -11 530 | 8 470 | -20 000 | ||
Funds Niger | -51 225 | 1 832 676 | -1 442 167 | 339 284 | 565 053 | -225 770 | ||
Funds New projects/Miscellaneous projects | - | 193 119 | -193 118 | 1 | 1 | - | ||
Funds Pakistan | - | 59 724 | -39 314 | 20 410 | 20 410 | - | ||
Funds Central African Republic | 401 552 | 4 324 063 | -2 618 247 | 2 107 368 | 2 174 386 | -67 018 | ||
Funds Democratic Republic of Congo | 87 060 | 340 657 | -419 837 | 7 880 | 7 879 | - | ||
Funds Ukraine | - | 1 299 847 | -533 481 | 766 366 | 841 365 | -75 000 | ||
Funds Tunisia | -4 101 | 133 415 | -240 849 | -111 535 | - | -111 536 | ||
Funds Headquarters | 279 676 | 1 203 142 | -1 001 672 | 481 146 | 481 146 | - | ||
Total allocated funds | 1 131 779 | 15 898 419 | - | -12 213 122 | 4 817 075 | 5 848 658 | -1 031 582 | |
Tied funds | ||||||||
Initiative Fund | 216 468 | - | - | 216 468 | ||||
Solidarity Fund | 39 218 | 6 796 | - | 46 014 | ||||
Support Fund | 568 957 | 350 | - | 569 307 | ||||
Total tied funds | 824 643 | 7 146 | - | 831 789 | ||||
Foundation capital | ||||||||
Initial capital | 50 000 | - | - | 50 000 | ||||
Capital FNL | 12 315 | - | - | 12 315 | ||||
Sales and services/non-tied subsidies | - | 648 136 | -648 136 | - | ||||
Operating capital | 1 830 990 | 461 063 | - | 2 292 053 | ||||
Operating result | - | - | - | - | ||||
Total Foundation capital | 1 893 305 | 1 109 199 | -648 136 | 2 354 368 | ||||
TOTAL | 3 849 727 | 17 014 764 | -12 861 258 | 8 003 232 |