Studio Kalangou project supports the media sector in Niger in two ways: production and broadcast of journalistic content; and strengthening the capacities of partner media. The Studio Kalangou editorial team is composed of about 50 local journalists based in Niamey and about 50 correspondents across the whole country. Since 2016, it has been producing two hours of daily radio programmes in the evening from 5pm to 7pm, in five languages.
These are broadcast by 52 partner radio stations reaching nearly 80% of the country’s population. Since February 13, 2023, an additional hour of programming is produced at noon. These programmes are also available on a toll-free telephone number. In addition, the editorial staff produces programmes and video reports for social networks and six partner televisions.
In parallel, Studio Kalangou provides technical and financial support and capacity building to Niger media so that they can become autonomous, able to produce and broadcast quality information programmes.
Financial volume
1 622 367 CHF
Sources of funding
• Switzerland (SDC mandate)
• Switzerland (SDC Programme contribution)
• United Kingdom (FCDO – CSSF)
• European Union (EIDHR)
• Czech republic
• GIZ (ProRES)
• Czech Republic
• US Embassy
• University of Sheffield
• IFPIM (International Fund for Public Interest Media)
• Private donations
• Income generated
Best media promoting human rights in Niger
In 2022, Studio Kalangou continued to expand its national reach, boosting its partners from 47 to 52 radios and from six to seven television stations. The work of 54 correspondents across the country’s eight regions has made it possible to reach the most remote areas. As part of a co-production of Fondation Hirondelle’s media partners in the Sahel, Studio Kalangou, Studio Tamani in Mali and Studio Yafa in Burkina Faso broadcast seven Sahel magazines in 12 languages through 176 radio stations in the three countries. Themes such as inflation, education, gender-based violence and gold panning were at the heart of the programmes.
In the field of media support, Studio Kalangou trained 189 journalists and 61 technicians in the management of media structures, ethics and deontology, digital audio editing techniques and crisis communication. In order to build capacity, the trainees then coached 52 media partners on these techniques.
What I take from Studio Kalangou’s programmes is the information on means of conflict resolution. They give us information on the ways and means to adopt in case of a dispute with others.
Listener of Azourou de Tchirozerine radio – interview of 16/07/2022
In 2022, the University of Zurich and the Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey published a study that illustrates the contribution of Studio Kalangou to the evolution of gender attitudes. According to the study, the programmes have had an impact on certain perceptions and practices.
At the end of December 2022, Studio Kalangou won the “Media of 2022” prize in Niger, an annual competition organized by the Network of Journalists for Human Rights (RJDH) on the theme “Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Niger”. Studio Kalangou also won a grant from the International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM), which supports independent and trustworthy journalism to guarantee reliable information for citizens.