JusticeInfo.net is an independent online media of Fondation Hirondelle, that covers transitional justice and reconciliation processes. This includes genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, and new forms of violence related to the environment, climate and migration. Justice Info, led by an editorial team of experienced journalists, has a network of committed correspondents and numerous expert contributors. They have all helped establish this website, in its seven years of existence, as a go-to source in its field of expertise. Providing this information is all the more necessary since no other media in the world today has the capacity to cover specifically and exclusively this theme, which is directly related to human rights, fundamental freedoms and peace.
Financial Volume
420 161 CHF
Sources of Funding
• Switzerland (SDC Programme contribution)
• Nicolas Puech Foundation
• Private donations
• Private foundation
Ukraine has inevitably been the dominant issue of the past year, accounting for 30% of production. Very quickly after the Russian invasion, Justice Info (JI) set up an unprecedented local network of journalists covering national trials, coordinated by two experienced Ukrainian journalists. The site also increased its analysis of international developments in the prosecution of Ukraine war crimes, including publishing exclusive maps that have become tools of reference. A symbol of the credibility and visibility of the site is that the JI editor-in-chief was invited to Bogota, Colombia (JI also produces in Spanish on this country) for a presentation on the essential role and mission of media covering this type of process. The presentation was made to the Truth Commission and the editors/directors of the main national media.
Other international justice initiatives were also covered by JI’s dozen permanent correspondents, including for Rwanda, Guinea, and the Central African Republic. JI has increased the number of exclusive reports, such as in Uganda on the displacement of people related to Total’s oil development project. This story was produced by JI’s local correspondent, even though the area is off-limits to the press. It is a good example of courageous and rigorous journalism and professional management of security issues.
We need to share our experience of covering this. I have many more questions than answers. It’s not helped by the fact that we’re living the war in real time, with sirens going off as we are in court. We are both the actors and potential victims of what we are talking about. We have acquaintances, friends who are affected, who are fighting. It’s a test of our professional ethics to remain impartial.
Irina Salii, director and editor-in-chief of Sudovyireporter (Ukraine)
The website continued its new column on transitional justice “blind spots”, which allows us to report on very serious situations of international crimes where no justice mechanism exists. Ethiopia, Armenia, China and Libya, as well as the theme of hunger as a war crime, were the main topics covered in this column in 2022.
In 2023, Ukraine will certainly continue to dominate editorial coverage, with activity in the national courts showing renewed vigour after a lull in autumn 2022 following the replacement of the Attorney General. Colombia, Central African Republic, Guinea, possibly Kenya, corporate liability, and universal jurisdiction trials will probably also be highlights. A special dossier on the issue of migrants is envisaged.